Myparts Home Appliance Parts Registration Database
We created an application to register home appliances, personal computers, personal computer parts, etc. I purchase parts and home appliances from various EC sites including Amazon and home electronics retailers, but product registration has been divided into sites by manufacturer and management has become complicated. In addition, I made my own PC, but I could not find a database that could check the operation on a specific OS. Register individual parts and name the personal computer assembled and register the parts. If you want to publish, turn on the publishing check for each part so that you can see it even if you are not logged in.
Public list
Development environment
I am developing using Laravel, a PHP framework.
User registration procedure
Access the following:
First, select your language. There is a language switching list in the upper left of the browser screen. Currently English and Japanese are available. The language displayed at the top left is the currently selected language. Click Register at the top right of the screen to register. Click Register to receive an email.
The mail written in the language set in the language setting will arrive. Click the link in the confirmation email to authenticate. Click on the link to myparts when you log in.
Part registration
Select Add from the menu.
Please enter each item. The only required field is the name.
Click the part name on the list screen to update the screen.
If you include multiple parts such as your own personal computer First, register each part, register the name of the personal computer, check the check box in the parts list on the right side of the update screen and click Update Will be displayed as a parts list.
First click on the delete list from the menu. Click the name of the part you want to delete from the displayed list. Click Delete on the confirmation screen to delete the part.
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